Hello world!

Alright here we go..

Hi, welcome to Inkwell.Art! I’m Adam Rutten and I’m really happy to be getting this thing going today. For those that don’t know me, I’m an Artist with a focus on Illustration but I like to do anything Art related whether that’s painting, sculpting, comics, animation, etc. I’m also a Father, Musician, Gamer, and Nerd amongst many other things.

I’ve dabbled with a few websites in the past. My first proper one was for my webcomic Ant Guy. I had a great time doing that but at some point I wanted to do more than just comics. Although, I have no intention of ever not making comics. I love sequential art! So, awhile back I switched it up and got AdamRutten.Art and used it in a more general purpose style. It was alright but using my name as my site just seemed off for me. Lot’s of people do things in many different ways but I wanted to actually try and start a company this time and needed a name. Luckily, I remembered I had already come up with one. I gave one of my sons the middle name “Inkwell”.

An Inkwell for me is great representation of what Art means to me right now. You’ve got a bottle of ink and you can turn it into anything! No worries about budgets or logic, you can let your imagination go free! If you can dream it, there is a way to write about or draw it. I also honestly believe that anyone can tap into this magic. Practice + dedication = knowledge + practice = skill. I’m sure that last thought has been written better by others but my intentions are good. I’m also pretty sure I started out by drawing random shapes in pasta sauce while in a high chair.. and that was last week.

Anyways, I do appreciate you stopping by. I’ve still got much to learn and do so let’s see what happens next..