This homage to Norman Rockwell came about because my son had a homework assignment to recreate a famous work of art. The concept was his idea but I figured I could help him out a little.. Okay, maybe I helped out a lot but we had a fun time doing it and we thought it came out pretty cool. Please forgive me for my imperfect Photoshopping here, we did it very quickly. While looking through my hard drive I also found the original picture we took…

We took this one right when I was painting the room I use as my art studio. Even though I painted the room green I think this is the only time we ever used it in a green screen like fashion. Now the walls are covered with shelves, pictures, and all sorts of stuff. I still dig the color though. I know they make special chroma key paint for stuff like this but it was a little pricey. So, I ended up using a formula called “Gamma Sector Green”. The fact that it’s Toy Story related makes it even cooler to me.